Monday, December 6, 2010

British medical research the organization calls overspend mobile phone Yi Sheng rash (turn)

"Universum Medical - Holistic Medical Center

Beijing time on October 16 message, british dermatologist association (The BritishAssociation OfDermatologists) Zhousi expresses, doctors in discovery patient ear ministry or facial ministry appear indecipherable ought to notice when the rash of its cause of formation, may the skin allergy that causes because of overspend mobile phone causes that. The research thesis that this learning researchs to organize quote to be published publicly says, people may make crust surface produce an anaphylaxis to the nickel of the mobile phone after communicating for long, give birth to a red, dry rash in ear ministry or facial ministry thereby, rash of this seed coat is called normally " mobile phone dermatitis " . It expresses: "Doctors should remember this, when the rash that if they discover patient ear ministry or facial ministry appear,explains with other reason hard, that is probable be mobile phone dermatitis. "   this organization expresses, a lot of doctors still do not know the mobile phone can cause irritability rash. Although still do not have evidence to be able to prove use hand opportunity causes the major disease such as cerebral cancer so far, but often should use a mobile phone everyday as a result of people, because of this problem about mobile phone security more and more the attention that gets people. This organization says in statement: "In mobile phone dermatitis, rash is born in facial ministry or ear ministry normally, specific place depends on the mobile phone when the patient uses a mobile phone and the position that the skin contacts. " it says   : "From theoretic say, if you often use a mobile phone, so press the finger that moves metallic menu pushbutton to also can give birth to a rash repeatedly even. " college of medical of MayoClinic of   United States points out, nickel is the metal that all sorts of a kind of products in be being used extensively at people to live daily are like headgear of mobile phone, gem and buckle to wait, it is one of the commonnest causes that cause irritability dermatitis. This year some earlier moment, the LionelBercovitch of the university and its work in the same placing are opposite the Braun of American Luo Dedao Providence the mobile phone of 22 popular design of 8 different manufacturers had a test, as a result discovery has 10 to contain nickel metal among them

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